Network Your Way to Success!



“Networking delivers opportunities.” Stefan Thomas

“Everybody needs somebody sometimes.” Most of us are familiar with this song phrase. And most of the time, if not all of the time, we refer this phrase to romantic relationships. But if you think about it, it can and should apply to all types of relationships including business.

Just as it is commonly said that “it takes a village to raise a child.” It should also be said iStock_000016672124Smallthat “it takes a quality network to grow (and sustain) a business.” And the same goes for other types of goals. Whether you are looking to complete academic goals or to secure a spouse, knowing where to look and how to obtain the best information to make sound decisions depends on the networks you are in.

Networking isn’t new. Since the beginning of creation, God created man with the intention for him not to be alone (Gen. 2:18).  Thus God created woman.  And since the early days of earth’s history man has bartered and networked to meet their needs (emotional, physical and spiritual).  And it is still the power of networking that helps businesses and other types of relationships thrive and prosper.

So why do so many people struggle with networking? Maybe it’s due to shyness, fear, doubt and all the other mental blocks we often find ourselves battling with daily.  Regardless which one it is, if you want to be successful in business and in life you HAVE to get past it.  You are not an island and neither is your business.  Your potential clients/customers depend on your business’ offerings making it to the market in order for it to meet their need thus making you a business success!  And what is the best and most economical way to spread the word about your business? (drum roll) By word of mouth and that includes networking!

So before you spend a boat load of money hiring a publicist, radio and newspaper ads, etc., (especially if you are start-up company with little to no marketing budget)  be sure to first use your voice to share your passion and business offerings with others in your target market via networking events in your area.

Don’t know where to look? Try local Chamber of Commerce, SBA office, Eventbrite and even church bulletins. And if you enjoy planning events, create your own networking event and invite companies and people in your target group.

For more information about networking, I recommend this easy read, Instant Networkingby Stefan Thomas.

So what are you waiting for?  Go network and make both your business and life a success!

Much Luv 4 Ya,



3ABN Interview

Twitter: @sounds4thesoul

FB: Angela.Bryant

Instagram:  Angela L Bryant

Pinterest:  Angela L Bryant

Tumblr:  Angela-Sounds4theSoul

The 2016 Presidential Election: Don’t Lose Heart. VOTE!!!

With less than 30 days to the election of a new American president, I, a black Americanblack-woman-screaming
woman, find myself in a political daze and at times feeling like I am going to lose my mind. With this circus-like election campaign, I am not enthusiastic about either candidate.

BUT with that said, let me say this…let me be very clear.  I will not throw away my right to vote!

I have heard some of my co-citizens express that they will not be voting because they don’t believe either candidate is worthy of the oval office. But with that said, who is? Really. When you think about it and review our mirky political history as a nation, was there anyone who was squeaky clean or without sin? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

So what is my point?

My point is to point you back to the reason we exercise our right to vote. As an black american whose ancestors have been hosed, chased and/or shot down for this privilege, I refuse to let anyone or thing deter me from leaving my home, getting in my car, walking into the voting booth and casting my blood bought vote. Even if the candidates aren’t perfect (I am voting for the lesser of the two evils since realistically, one of them will be elected.), I will go on record exercising my right to vote.

I know some of you are saying and have said, “I can’t vote for either one of them. My conscious won’t let me?” I hear your pain. BUT if you are a woman or a black American, how can you NOT vote? So many have sacrificed for YOUR right to vote.

Now what I am about to say, I strongly do not recommend. But if you really can’t find the heart to vote for either one of the leading candidates, instead of not voting at all, vote for who you would like to see in the oval office. Yes, I know some will say it is the same as throwing away a vote, but it is not. You will go on record exercising your right to vote and also send a message that you are not willing to settle for someone you view as not qualified to lead your country. Hopefully, the next go around all political parties will take the election process  more seriously and will better vet and present quality candidates.

The point is to vote because you, via your ancestors sacrifice, have earned that right!

So don’t lose heart…create hope by casting your vote and voice for a better future.

Much Luv 4 Ya,



3ABN Interview

Twitter: @sounds4thesoul

FB: Angela.Bryant

Instagram:  Angela L Bryant

Pinterest:  Angela L Bryant

Tumblr:  Angela-Sounds4theSoul